Greenhouse effect, a major topic we have been studying for so long, reading in newspapers and articles and listening about?

But what is it actually? Is it just an agricultural form or more than that? All the questions are answered in this book as the greenhouse is not just confined into the framework of glass, but its mechanism has been a major concern these days.

Greenhouses contribute to the betterment of our agriculture by cultivating selected crops with full nutrition and equipment. The greenhouse is contributing to the advancement of agriculture techniques for the last few decades. Inside the book, all major steps involved in constructing a greenhouse are mentioned, and the maintenance required for it is also stated along with other hot topics.

Apart from agriculture, the greenhouse mechanism has been playing a major role in climate change and global warming, and environmental exploitation. Using the same mechanism of agricultural greenhouses, the earth has been facing exploitation. The increase in temperature, changing season, irregular rains, increase in pollution, and various others are the effects of the greenhouse. This greenhouse effect is caused by human exploitation, and some natural factors are also responsible for it.

All the differences, similarities, and statements are mentioned in the book to explain the topic better and help you throughout.

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